Thursday, April 28, 2011

Reflections on Facebook

There was a time not so long ago, you would have heard me say, “Facebook is driving our youth crazy, young people are obsessed with it!” My attitude is a little different today. I can no longer imply that only certain generations are using this social network. Facebook is being abused by every age group, every nation, every race and every gender. And yes, I am concerned with the dangers and use of information that is posted on Facebook. Once you have posted information online, you are no longer in control of that information.    
A few years ago I saw a statement in CareerBuilders that said, “Just like Vegas, what happens on the Internet, stays on the Internet. How that affects your job search is up to you!” I can remember when the only thing an applicant had to worry about was an error free resume and cover letter. With Facebook thrown in the mix, now comes the anxiety of trying to remember what personal information or photos you have on your Facebook Profile for others to view and judge.
On the other hand, the thought process of a human resource professional used to be, if they dug around online and couldn’t find anything about you, it was a good thing. Today, if you have no online presence, it could be more of a deal breaker than if the employer found something negative on the Internet about you.
The dangers and risks of being a Facebook user are numerous, however the reality remains, Facebook is an ever growing phenomenon. Social networking sites and their influence are increasing daily. Facebook is growing so rapidly, it makes you wonder if we are moving toward Facebook being this generation’s primary means of communication. People probably felt this same apprehension in 1875 when Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, if someone can't find you online, they might find that fishy and not hire you. On another note if that dog on the computer is the other dogs boss...he's about to break him down like a shotgun!
