Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Why I Chose to Attend WSU

My journey getting to Wright State University is probably very different from the majority of my fellow classmates. That is, if you take into consideration the fact that my only son is older than most of the students, and, just like most parents, I have stressed the importance of education to my son his entire life.
I first enrolled in college immediately after graduating from high school in the late 1970s. After studying at Central State University for approximately eighteen months, I left college to get married and start a family.  My husband was enlisted in the United States Military at the time and because of his profession, we moved to Germany for six years.  Although being a part of the United States Military was a great opportunity, the move to Europe, along with family obligations caused me to put my education on the backburner for more than two decades.
As fate and the economy would have it, I was let go after working at the same company for over ten years. I became another victim of downsizing.  An exhaustive search for employment began.  That search resulted in my becoming an employee of WSU in the Center for International Education.  Working in a university has stirred up something in me and has reminded me of a very important goal that I set for myself over 25 years ago. 
So, with the support of my family and friends, I decided that now is the perfect time to finish the undergraduate degree that I started so many years ago.  I am now a proud student of Wright State University.